
TelHouse Incorporated is a US based company founded in 2003 with offices in Herndon, Virginia. TelHouse is focusing on the design, deployment and maintenance of wireless telecommunications networks, local area networks, electronic security systems, surveillance & tracking systems and custom applications for corporate and government customers in the region with emphasis on the Iraqi market. TelHouse provides an array of competitively priced and cutting edge IT and wireless services to its clients. Fortified by a management team with vast experience in global R&D of wireless telecommunications and IT security systems, and drawing upon its inherent expertise in cutting edge technology, TelHouse is capitalizing on its strong regional presence and the need of security and surveillance apparatuses adaptive to today’s growing security challenges.

TelHouse has established a comprehensive domestic marketing presence through its extensive customer network in the region. The result is an organization poised to provide a broad spectrum of services ranging from the most initial phases of network design to final deployment and subsequent maintenance and support. We deliver each project from its initial inception to final completion with uncompromising efficiency and economy.

Since its founding in 2003, TelHouse has experienced sound growth in the number of regional and domestic customers it serves. TelHouse has been able to focus on the following industries:

  • Agents’ App System
  • Software development
  • Wireless network design and deployment,
  • Secure telecommunications for high profile corporate and government entities,
  • Local area network design and implementation,
  • Counter surveillance planning services,
  • Surveillance planning, design, implementation services,
  • Vehicle tracking systems via satellite and wireless networks,
  • Network support and maintenance services

TelHouse possesses a distinct advantage over its competition with its vast experience worldwide, as well as its drive and innovation in bringing each of its clients custom tailored services to fit their specific needs.